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 유기농 모링가 (MORINGA)  분말 

“지구상 가장 영양가 있는 나무 모링가"


성분: 항염 항산화제 ,단백질, 9가지 필수아미노산,칼슘, 비타민 A, B1,B2, B3, B6,C, 아연,마그네슘,  우유의 네배가 되는 칼슘, 바나나의 세배가되는  칼륨 포함. 


효능은 어떨까요?

  • 장기능촉진 ,해독작용,
  • 지방분해, 다이어트,노화방지
  • 인슐린분비 촉진,혈당유지
  • 면역력 강화, 스트레스 조절
  • 활성산소를 제거



복용법: 하루 1/2- 1 티스푼 두유,음료와 함께 식사나 간식 대용


Organic Moringa leaf powder 7oz-모링가

  • Description

    Moringa Leaf Powder

    Called "The Miracle Tree"

    Moringa is an excellent source of dietary fiber. It improves digestion, reduces the absorption of fats in the gut, and helps to remove toxins from your intestines.

    Why Is Moringa Oleifera An Exceptional Superfood?

    The Moringa leaf

    • has 8 times more Polyphenols than in red wine
    • has 7 times more Vitamin C than in oranges.
    • has 17 times more Calcium than in milk.
    • contains 25 times more Iron than in spinach.
    • has 5 times more Magnesium than in kale.

    Benefits: It helps to

    • Improve Stamina & Energy Levels
    • Boosts Your Athletic Performance
    • Strengthens Your Immune system
    • All-natural Detoxification support


    100% Pure Organic Moringa Leaf Powder (Moringa oleifera)


    Mix ¼ to ½ a teaspoon twice daily with water, fruit juice, or a smoothie.

    Sprinkle or mix over soup, salads, and other meals just before serving.


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